Advertising: |
Any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. |
Advertising Agency: |
A firm that specializes in the creation, production, and placement of advertising messages and may provide other services that facilitate the marketing communications process. |
Advertising Appeal: |
The basis or approach used in an advertising message to attract the attention or interest of consumers and/or influence their feelings toward the product, service, or cause. |
Advertising Campaign: |
A comprehensive advertising plan that consists of a series of messages in a variety of media that center on a single theme or idea. |
Advertising Creativity: |
The ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems. |
Advertising Manager: |
The individual in an organization who is responsible for the planning, coordinating, budgeting, and implementing of the advertising program. |
Advertising Specialties: |
Items used as giveaways to serve as a reminder or stimulate remembrance of a company or brand such as calendars, T-shirts, pens, key tags, and the like. Specialties are usually imprinted with a company or brand name and other identifying marks such as an address and phone number. |
Alternative Media: |
A term commonly used in advertising to describe support media. |
Audimeter: |
An electric measurement device that is hooked to a television set to record when the set is turned on and the channel to which it is tuned. |
Average Frequency: |
The number of times the average household reached by a media schedule is exposed to a media vehicle over a specified period. |
Audience Flow: |
Scheduling TV programs so that the audience attracted to one show naturally carries over to the following show. |
Audience-Generated Feedback: |
Feedback that occurs when one or more audience members attempt to communicate their opinions or points of view to a mass medium. |
Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC): |
An organization formed by advertisers and publishers in 1914 to established ground rules for counting circulation data. |
Art desk: |
Where page layouts are drawn in detail and the pictures edited. |
Art editor: |
The person responsible for the art desk and for design of the newspaper. |
Art work: |
Prepared material for use in newspaper display. |
Assignment: |
A story which a journalist has been assigned to cover: a briefing. |