Cable Television: |
A form of television where signals are carried to households by wire rather than through the airways. |
City Zone: |
A category used for newspaper circulation figures that refers to a market area composed of the city where paper is published and contiguous areas similar in character to the city. |
Classified Advertising: |
Advertising that runs in newspapers and magazines that generally contains text only and is arranged under subheadings according to the product, service, or offering. Employment, real estate, and automotive ads are the major forms of classified advertising. |
Clients: |
The organizations with the products, services, or causes to be marketed and for which advertising agencies and other promotional firms provide services. |
Clipping Service: |
A service which clips competitors advertising from local print media allowing the company to monitor the types of advertising they are running or to estimate their advertising expenditures. |
Communication: |
The passing of information, exchange of ideas, or process of establishing shared meaning between a sender and a receiver. |
Communication Objectives: |
Goals that an organization seeks to achieve through its promotional program in terms of communication effects such as creating awareness, knowledge, image, attitudes, preferences, or purchase intentions. |
Comparative Advertising: |
The practice of either directly or indirectly naming one or more competitors in an advertising message or usually making a comparison on one or more specific attributes or characteristics. |
Consumer behavior: |
the process and activities that people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires. |
Copywriter: |
Individuals who help conceive the ideas for ads and commercials and write the words or copy for them. |
Cost per Customer Purchasing: |
A cost effectiveness measure used in direct marketing based on the cost per sale generated. |
Cost per Order (CPO): |
A measure used in direct marketing to determine the number of orders generated relative to the cost of running the advertisement. |
Cost per Thousand: |
computation used in evaluating the relative cost of various media vehicles that represents the cost of exposing 1,000 members of a target audience to an advertising message. |
Cost plus System: |
A method of compensating advertising agencies whereby the agency receives a fee based on the cost of the work it performs plus an agreed on amount for profit. |
Coverage: |
A measure of the potential audience that might receive an advertising message through a media vehicle. |
Creative Strategy: |
A determination of what an advertising message will say or communicate to a target audience. |
Creative Tactics: |
A determination of how an advertising message will be implemented so as to execute the creative strategy. |
Cross-Media Advertising: |
An arrangement where opportunities to advertise in several different types of media are offered by a various media providers. |
Campaign: |
In advertising, a large number of ads that stress the same theme and appear over a specified length of time. |
Channel: |
The pathway by which a message travels from sender to receiver. |
Circulation: |
delivered to newsstands, vending machines, or subscribers. |
Commercial Television System: |
Local stations whose income is derived from selling time on their facilities to advertisers. |
Compact Disc (CD): |
A sound system using laser technology that reproduces audio quality very precisely. |
Comprehensive Layout: |
The finished model of a print ads |
Concept Testing: |
A type of media-originated feedback in which a one- or two-paragraph description for a new series is presented to a sample of viewers for their reactions. |
Consumer Advertising: |
Advertising directed at the general public. |
Controlled Circulation: |
A type of circulation in which publications are sent free or distributed to a select readership, such as airline passengers or motel guests. |
Credibility: |
The trust that the audience holds for media that perform surveillance functions. |
Crystallization: |
The sharpening and elaboration of a vaguely held attitude or pre-disposition. Cycle: In all-news radio, the amount of time that elapses before the program order is repeated. |
CD-Rom: |
Compact disk read-only memory used to hold computer-accessible data. |
Centre spread: |
Material extending across the two centre-facing pages in a newspaper. Spread: any material occupying two opposite pages. |
Classifieds: |
Small adverts gathered into sections. |
Column: |
Standard vertical divisions of a newspaper page; hence column measure. |
Content: |
Material in a newspaper. |
Copy-taster: |
Person who sorts and classifies incoming copy in a newspaper. |
Copyright: |
Ownership of written or printed material. |
Corr: |
Short for correspondent. |
Credit: |
Usually the photographers or artists name printed with an illustration; hence credit line. |