Page Proof: |
A page-size piece of paper with all the elements - type, photos, and illustrations positioned in their proper places. |
Paid Circulation: |
A type of circulation in which the reader must purchase a magazine through a subscription or at a newsstand. |
Panel Study: |
A research method in which data are collected from the same individuals at different points. |
Pay-per-View (PPV): |
A system that allows cable TV subscribers to pay a one-time fee to view one specific program or movie. |
Pilot: |
The first episode of a projected television series. |
Pilot Testing: |
A process that involves showing a sample audience an entire episode of a show and recording their reactions. |
Pixel : |
The smallest piece of information in an image. Pixels are normally arranged in a regular 2-dimensional grid, and are often represented using dots, squares, or rectangles. Each pixel is a sample of an original image, where more samples typically provide a more accurate representation of the original. The intensity of each pixel is variable; in color systems, each pixel has typically three or four components such as red, green, and blue, or cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. |
Policy Book: |
At ratio and TV stations, a book that spells or philosophy and standards of operation and identifies what practices are encouraged or discouraged. |
Portfolio: |
A collection of ones personal work. |
Print: |
Total number of newspapers printed of one issue; also a picture or bromide printed from a photographic negative. |
Proof reader: |
Person who reads and corrects proofs to ensure that copy has been accurately followed: hence proof marks, corrections marked on a proof. |
People Meter: |
An electronic device that automatically records a households television viewing, including channels watched, number of minutes of viewing, and members of the household who are watching. |
Press Release: |
Factual and interesting information released to the press. |
Program Rating: |
The percentage of TV households in an area that are tuned to a program during a specific period. |
Promotion: |
The coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to sell goods and services or to promote an idea. |
Promotional Plan: |
The framework for developing, implementing, and controlling the organizations communications program. |
Public domain: |
A range of abstract materials – commonly referred to as intellectual property – which are not owned or controlled by anyone. The term indicates that these materials are therefore "public property", and available for anyone to use for any purpose. The laws of various countries define the scope of the public domain differently, making it necessary to specify which jurisdiction's public domain is being discussed. Furthermore, the public domain can be defined in contrast to several forms of intellectual property; the public domain in contrast to copyrighted works is different from the public domain in contrast to trademarks. |
Public Relations: |
The management function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and executes a program to earn public understanding and acceptance. |
Public Relations Firm: |
An organization that develops and implements programs to manage a company’s publicity, image, and affairs with consumers. |
Publicity: |
Communications regarding an organization, product, service, or idea that is not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship. |
Pull-out: |
Separate section of a newspaper that can be pulled out, often with separate pagination. |